- A subwoofer (or "sub") is a woofer, or a complete loudspeaker, which is dedicated to the reproduction of low-pitched audio frequencies known as bass. The typical frequency range for a subwoofer is about 20–200 Hz for consumer products, below 100 Hz for professional live sound, and below 80 Hz in THX-approved systems.
SubwooferSubwoofer speaker systemHow Many Subwoofers are Enough?Impedance analysis of subwoofer systemsThe rotary subwoofer: A controllable infrasound sourceLow-Frequency Optimization Using Multiple SubwoofersEvaluation of a method for the measurement of subwoofers in usual roomsPassive voice coil feedback control of closed-box subwoofer systemsComments on "Low-frequency optimization using multiple subwoofers"- Authors' replyThe Impact of Decorrelated Low-Frequency Reproduction on Auditory Spatial Imagery: Are Two Subwoofers Better Than One?