英 [sək'sentə]
美 [sək'sentə]
- The succentor ("one who sings second") in an ancient cathedral foundation sings psalms and preces and responses after the precentor. In English cathedrals today, the priest responsible for liturgy and music is usually the precentor, but some cathedrals, such as St Paul's and Durham, retain a succentor as well.
College of Minor CanonsJean Guyot de Chatelet: Succentor a la Cathédrale Saint-Lambert, a LiègeL'estada del compositor Rafael Coloma a la catedral de Tarragona (1589-91, 1595-1600)Diocese of rossMedieval Music and the Art of MemoryTables et "pointes"de la cathédrale de Rodez (XIVe-XVIe siècle)THE DEATH-MASKS OF DEAN SWIFTChrist Church Cathedral, NewcastleKirchentonart, Choral, Psalm, Liturgik, Lobpreis und Anbetung, Liste der Bachkantaten, Magnificat, Passion, Dies irae, Wupperfelder ...St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh (Church of Ireland)