



  • v.

    哭( cry的第三人称单数 );喊,叫;叫卖,大声报道,哭着说;

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 哭 shed (tears)
    2. vt. & vi. 喊,叫 call out
    3. vt. 叫卖; 大声报道; 哭着说 make known publicly by shouting
    1. [C]哭,哭声 weeping; a sound of weeping
    2. [C]叫喊,叫声 loud sound
    3. [C]要求; 呼吁 an urgent appeal



    • n.
      • a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition


      • a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate)

        "a cry of rage"


      • a slogan used to rally support for a cause

        "a cry to arms"

        同义词:war cryrallying crybattle crywatchword

      • a fit of weeping

        "had a good cry"

      • the characteristic utterance of an animal
    • v.
      • utter a sudden loud cry

        同义词:shoutshout outcallyellscreamhollerhollosquall

      • shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain


      • utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy

        同义词:exclaimcry outoutcrycall outshout

      • proclaim or announce in public

        "before we had newspapers, a town crier would cry the news"

        同义词:blazon out

      • demand immediate action

        "This situation is crying for attention"

      • utter a characteristic sound

        "The cat was crying"

      • bring into a particular state by crying



    用作动词 (v.)
    • cry bitter tears痛哭流涕
    • cry halt命令停止
    • cry halves要求平分
    • cry hot tears哭得热泪满面
    • cry one's grief and anger把悲愤在痛哭中宣泄出来
    • cry one's name大喊某人的名字
    • cry one's wares叫卖货物
    • cry quarter求免一死
    • cry quits互无胜负,同意罢休
    • cry the news高声传报新闻
    • cry uncle认输,放弃
    • cry wolf谎报军情,作虚假的警报
    • cry bitterly痛苦地大叫
    • cry contemptuously傲慢地大喊
    • cry dishearteningly沮丧地哭
    • cry drunkenly醉酒引起地哭喊
    • cry earnestly认真地叫喊
    • cry energetically充满活力地叫喊
    • cry enthusiastically热情地叫喊
    • cry haughtily傲慢地叫喊
    • cry hoarsely嘶哑地哭喊
    • cry indignantly愤怒地大叫
    • cry inspiringly激励人心地大叫
    • cry jealously妒忌地哭
    • cry loudly大声地叫喊
    • cry painfully痛苦地大叫
    • cry passionately充满激情地叫喊
    • cry persistently执意地叫喊
    • cry piercingly尖声地叫喊
    • cry ringingly响亮地哭
    • cry solemnly严肃地大叫
    • cry sternly严厉地叫喊
    • cry sympathetically同情地叫喊
    • cry unrestrainedly放纵地大叫
    • cry down贬低
    • cry off不履行(诺言)
    • cry out大叫
    • cry one's eyes〔heart〕 out哭得伤心极了
    • cry up夸耀
    • cry out against表示反对
    • cry for因…而哭,哭喊着要,急需
    • cry for company陪哭
    • cry for the moon想入非非
    • cry from公开宣称,扬言
    • cry on the God求神
    • cry over为…哭泣
    • cry to向(某人)请求或抱怨
    • cry with因…而叫〔哭〕
    • cry with pain痛得哭了起来
    用作名词 (n.)
    • echo a cry模仿(别人的)喊声
    • emit a cry发出叫声
    • flee at a cry躲避叫喊声
    • give a cry of大声表示
    • have a cry大哭一场
    • hear a cry听到喊声
    • heed a cry留意叫声
    • let slip a cry不注意喊出声
    • lift up a cry高声叫喊
    • mock a cry学着(别人)哭的样子加以嘲弄
    • raise a cry大声哭
    • repeat a cry重复…的要求
    • roar a cry大声呼喊
    • set up a cry高喊
    • stifle a cry忍住哭泣
    • take up a cry继续哭
    • utter a cry高喊
    • voice a cry喊出声
    • want a cry想哭
    • babyish cry孩子气的哭声
    • brief cry小哭
    • choking cry哽咽
    • continuous cry不停地哭
    • desolate cry凄凉的哭声
    • dismal cry凄凉的哭声
    • drunken cry喝醉酒后的哭叫
    • funeral cry出殡时的哭声
    • good cry大哭一场
    • gulping cry吞声饮泣
    • heartbroken cry令人心碎的哭声
    • heartsick cry沮丧的哭声
    • long cry哭了好一会儿
    • loud cry大哭
    • low cry轻声哭
    • mournful cry伤心的哭泣
    • passionate cry动情的哭声
    • peculiar cry古怪的叫声
    • piteous cry哀怜的哭声
    • pitiful cry令人怜悯的哭声
    • prayerful cry虔诚的哭声
    • rasping cry令人焦躁的哭声
    • shivering cry令人战栗的哭声
    • shrill cry尖声的哭叫
    • sighing cry悲鸣声
    • sobbing cry抽泣声
    • suppressed cry被压抑的哭泣
    • wailing cry恸哭,悲号
    • wordless cry无言的流泪
    • everlasting cry没完没了的哭泣
    • overwhelmed cry压抑的哭声
    • ugly cry讨厌的哭声
    • unceasing cry不停的哭声
    • unending cry没完没了的哭
    • barbaric cry野蛮的叫声
    • boastful cry自负的喊叫
    • bootless cry徒劳的叫声
    • breathless cry气喘吁吁的叫喊声
    • broken cry断断续续的叫声
    • clamorous cry喧闹的喊声
    • clangorous cry铿锵有力的叫声
    • clarion cry响亮的叫声
    • comfortable cry舒服的喊声
    • contemptuous cry轻蔑的叫喊
    • death-dealing cry垂死的叫喊
    • defiant cry挑衅的叫喊
    • delighted cry高兴的叫喊
    • destructive cry毁灭性的叫声
    • discordant cry不和谐的叫声
    • distinct cry独特的叫声
    • drawling cry拉长声音的喊叫声
    • familiar cry耳熟的叫声
    • fearful cry可怕的叫声
    • feeble cry无力的叫声
    • fierce cry令人难以忍受的叫声
    • fluttering cry不安的叫声
    • frantic cry发狂似的叫声
    • frightened cry可怕的叫声
    • full-mouthed cry大声的叫喊
    • ghastly cry恐怖的叫声
    • gladdening cry高兴的叫声
    • groaning cry呻吟声
    • gurgling cry咯咯叫
    • half-hysterical cry近似歇斯底里的叫声
    • half-suppressed cry近似受压抑的叫喊
    • happy cry幸福的叫声
    • harsh cry刺耳的叫声
    • heart-burning cry不平的叫声
    • high cry尖叫声
    • hissing cry表示反对的嘘声
    • hoarse cry嘶哑的叫喊声
    • hurtling cry猛烈碰撞的叫声
    • joyful cry喜悦的叫喊
    • joyous cry快乐的叫声
    • mocking cry嘲弄的叫声
    • naive cry天真的叫声
    • noisy cry嘈杂的叫声
    • painful cry痛苦的叫喊声
    • protesting cry抗议声
    • provocative cry挑衅的叫喊
    • responsive cry响应的叫声
    • scattered cry散乱的叫声
    • sharp cry尖叫声
    • similar cry同样的叫声
    • solemn cry庄重的呼叫
    • sole-shaking cry震撼灵魂的呼声
    • spiteful cry怀有恶意的叫喊声
    • sporting cry助威声
    • strident cry刺耳的叫声
    • supplicating cry哀求声
    • terrible cry恐怖的叫声
    • terrified cry令人恐怖的叫声
    • triumphant cry成功的欢呼声
    • warning cry警告
    • welcoming cry欢迎声
    • wild cry狂野的叫声
    • wistful cry渴望的叫声
    • wrathful cry怒吼
    • wrenching cry痛苦的叫声
    • admiring cry羡慕声
    • amazed cry惊愕的叫声
    • angry cry怒叫
    • anguished cry极度痛苦的叫喊
    • answering cry响应声
    • appealing cry呼吁
    • aspiring cry有骨气的喊声
    • avenging cry为…报仇的喊声
    • earnest cry热切的呼叫
    • entreating cry哀求声
    • exulting cry狂喜的呼喊
    • impassioned cry激动的呼喊声
    • incessant cry持续不断的呼喊声
    • incoherent cry语无伦次的叫喊
    • insistent cry引人注意的叫声
    • inspiring cry鼓舞人心的口号
    • insulting cry侮辱的叫声
    • odious cry令人作呕的叫声
    • ominous cry不吉利的叫声
    • unanimous cry一致同意的叫喊声
    • unearthly cry可怕的叫声
    • multitudinous cry众人的要求
    • mutual cry共同的要求
    • plausible cry似乎有理的要求
    • popular cry大众的呼声
    • revolutionary cry变革的呼声
    • supreme cry最重要的呼吁
    • universal cry普遍的要求
    • important cry重要的呼吁
    • importunate cry迫切的需要
    • prevailing cry盛行的口号
    • battle cry喊杀声,战斗口号
    • horror cry毛骨悚然的叫声
    • street cries街上小贩的叫卖声
    • war cry喊杀声,战斗口号
    • at cry听到…的呼声
    • in full cry吠叫着追猎
    • out of cry在叫声听不到的地方
    • with a cry大叫
    • within cry在叫声听得到的地方
    • cry against反对…的呼声
    • cry of approval大声表示赞同
    • cry of despair绝望的叫声
    • cry of surprise惊叫
    • cry of victory胜利的欢呼


    cry for迫切需要;恳求;吵着要

    a far cry from与…有很大差别;完全不同;很长的距离或时间

    cry out v. 大声呼喊;大声抱怨

    cry on恳求;祈求

    far cry长距离;不同的事物,差别悬殊

    cry over为...而哭

    cry for help大声求援

    have a good cry[口语]痛痛快快哭一场

    in full cry全力追击;吠叫着追猎

    battle cry呐喊;战斗口号;标语(体育竞赛中)

    cry over spilt milk作无益的后悔

    cry on my shoulder靠着我的肩膀哭泣(歌词)

    cry for the moon要天上的月亮;想做做不到的事;想要得不到的东西

    cry out for迫切需要

    cry over spilled milk为打翻的牛奶流泪(为过去的失败而懊丧)

    hue and cry大声抗议;叫嚣声;追捕犯人时的叫喊声

    rallying cry n. 战斗口号

    cry up v. 夸奖;推崇

    cry out against大声反对



    1. She cried with grief when she heard news of her friend's death.
    2. She began to cry in the face of failure.
    3. He cried that he had found the key.
    4. The girl in the river is crying for help.
    5. The public raised a great hue and cry about tax hikes.
    1. Very soon he heard a raven cry outside.
    2. Her feelings were relieved by a good cry.
    3. She has a long cry when her favorite doll is broken.
    4. He heard a cry for help, and he rushed out of the office.
    5. A feeble cry came from the next room.


    Newborn pain cries and vagal tone: parallel changes in response to circumcision.
    Rat 22kHz ultrasonic vocalizations as alarm cries.
    Child abusers' responses to infant smiles and cries.
    CRIES: a new neonatal postoperative pain measurement score. Initial testing of validity and reliability
    Twenty-two kHz alarm cries to presentation of a predator, by laboratory rats living in visible burrow systems
    Fathers' and mothers' responses to the faces and cries of normal and premature infants.
    This art of psychoanalysis. Dreaming undreamt dreams and interrupted cries
    The children's revised impact of event scale (CRIES): Validity as a screening instrument for PTSD.
    Adult Physiological Response to Infant Cries: Effects of Temperament of Infant, Parental Status, and Gender
    Acoustic Features and Auditory Perceptions of the Cries of Newborns with Prenatal and Perinatal Complications