Asdic[ 'æzdik ]
- n.a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return
"asdic is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee"
同义词:sonarecho sounder
Asdic as an Aid to Spawning Ground InvestigationsElectronic Sector-scanning AsdicGeological interpretation of asdic recordsReport on echo-sounding and Asdic for fishing purposesDel ASDIC al FIDO: el desarrollo tecnológico aliado en la batalla del AtlánticoTHE OBLIQUE ASDIC AND ITS USE IN AN INVESTIGATION OF A MARINE HIGH‐ENERGY ENVIRONMENTThe shape of submarine canyon heads revealed by AsdicElectronic Sector-Scanning Asdic: An Improved Fish-Locator and Navigational InstrumentTime-Lapse Photography of an ASDIC Echo-Sounder PPI-Scope as a Technique for Recording Fish Movements During MigrationA BREAKDOWN IN COMMUNICATION: BRITAIN'S OVER ESTIMATION OF ASDIC'S CAPABILITIES IN THE 1930s