



  • v.

    问( ask的第三人称单数 );询问;要求;请求

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 问,询问 request information (about sb/sth) (from sb)
    2. vt. & vi. 要求,请求 request that sb gives sth or does sth; request permission to do sth
    3. vt. & vi. 邀请 invite (sb)



    • v.
      • inquire about

        "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"


      • make a request or demand for something to somebody

        "She asked him for a loan"

      • direct or put; seek an answer to

        "ask a question"

      • consider obligatory; request and expect

        "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"


      • require or ask for as a price or condition

        "He is asking $200 for the table"; "The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage"

      • address a question to and expect an answer from

        "The children asked me about their dead grandmother"

      • require as useful, just, or proper

        "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"

        同义词:necessitatepostulateneedrequiretakeinvolvecall fordemand



    用作动词 (v.)
    • ask an advice征求意见
    • ask an excuse请求原谅
    • ask an name问姓名
    • ask a price要价
    • ask a question提问
    • ask a reason问原因
    • ask time问时间
    • ask a way问路
    • ask loud大声地问
    • ask pointblank直截了当地问
    • ask too much要价太高
    • ask civilly文明地问
    • ask contemptuously轻蔑地问
    • ask earnestly恳切地问
    • ask guardedly谨慎地问
    • ask hospitably殷勤地问
    • ask impertinently无礼地问
    • ask impressively胆小地问
    • ask insistently急切地问
    • ask lightly轻率地问
    • ask listlessly无精打采地问
    • ask natively自然地问
    • ask pertinently很恰当地问
    • ask pointedly尖刻地问
    • ask politely彬彬有礼地问
    • ask probably可能地问
    • ask relentlessly残酷地问
    • ask savagely野蛮地问
    • ask sharply尖刻地问
    • ask shrewdly敏捷地问
    • ask specifically具体地问
    • ask spitefully恶狠狠地问
    • ask sternly粗暴地问
    • ask tremulously声音颤抖地问
    • ask wistfully渴望地问
    • ask in请求某人进来
    • ask off请假
    • ask on继续问
    • ask out请(某人)外出吃饭、看戏等
    • ask over请(某人)来自己家
    • ask up请(某人)上楼
    • ask about询问,打听
    • ask after问候
    • ask for请求,要求,要求见到(某人),招惹(麻烦等)
    • ask from请求
    • ask into调查
    • ask of向(某人)请求或要求(某事或某物)
    • ask to邀请(某人)参加(某活动)
    • ask with用…(方式)问


    1. May I ask a question?
    2. I'm calling to ask you about the delivery.
    3. He'll lend you the money if you ask him.
    4. It was such a big job that he had to ask for help .
    5. I have asked some friends for tea.
    6. I have the right to ask for an explanation.
    7. My father ask me to account for my conduct.
    8. The man asked ten dollars for the book.
    9. As parents, we should not ask too much of our children.


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