



  • v.

    毁坏(名誉),中伤,诽谤( asperse的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    asperse[ ə'spə:s ]

    • v.charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone




    Special Love is Aspersed to the Special You
    In Defense of Milton, Aspersed
    Col: Lilburnes letter to a friend : published to vindicate his aspersed reputation, Published by authority
    History Vindicated or Aspersed
    The desertion discussed, or, The last and present opposition placed in their true light : wherein the characters aspersed in a late ...
    Method of enhancing the metabolic function and the growing conditions of plants and seeds
    Evolution of ochratoxin A content from must to wine in Port Wine microvinification.
    The fluidized-bed catalytic cracking unit building its future environment
    Efecto del ácido salicílico en la bioproductividad de la fresa (Fragaria ananassa) cv Aromosa Effect of salicylic acid in bioprodu...
    I.—The Earliest Geological Maps of Scotland and Ireland