rioja[ ri'əuha: ]
- n.dry red table wine from the Rioja region of northern Spain
Biogenic amines in rioja wines.Soils of rioja alavesa spain i. entisols and aridisolsSoils of rioja alavesa spain iii. mollisols alfisols and conclusionsThe Rioja Trough (N Spain): tectosedimentary evolution of a symmetric foreland basinTypification of vinegars from Jerez and Rioja using classical chemometric techniques and neural network methodsChloritoid characterization of Sierra de los Cameros, Soria-La Rioja; preliminary analytical resultsVertical integration in the wine industry: a transaction costs analysis on the Rioja DOCaLos tetrapodos del sector superior de la formación Los Colorados, La Rioja,Argentina: Triásico SuperiorRedescriptions of Nereisoligohalina (Rioja, 1946) and N.garwoodi González-Escalante & Salazar-Vallejo, 2003 and description of N.co...Identification and quantification of impact odorants of aged red wines from Rioja. GC-olfactometry, quantitative GC-MS, and odor eva...