- n.a cheap lodging house
Phenomenological Study on the Loneliness Experience of Dosshouse ResidentsCATHEDRAL QUARTER MAY GET DOSSHOUSE; Bid to Move Homeless to Trendy City AreaMy Vanishing Act; Father Walked out on Job and Family to Live in Dosshouse?1.5Million for Kavanaghs Former DosshouseMushroom 'doss house' under spotlightOld doss house, Federal StreetTB OUTBREAK HITS WORST DOSS HOUSE IN SCOTLAND; Residents' Killer Bug Health QuizIT'S BEYOND OUR KEN; SIMON ROSE sees Branagh struggle to convince as an attorney trapped in the terrible Doss house; THE GINGERBREAD...IN THE DOSS HOUSE; Seanad 'A Joke' as EUR70k a Year Senators Don't Even Turn Up for VotesEffects of Heat Wave on Body Temperature and Blood Pressure in the Poor and Elderly