



  • v.

    带来( bring的现在分词 );促使;提供;使朝(某方向或按某方式)移动

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 带来,拿来 carry or cause (a person or thing) to come from a more distant place to a nearer place
    2. vt. 造成,引起 cause or lead to
    3. vt. 促使,使处于 cause to come to a particular place, condition, or course of action
    4. vt. 能售得(某一价格),能产生(收入) be sold for


    bringing[ briŋ ]

    • n.the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail)




    用作动词 (v.)
    • bring constantly连续地拿来
    • bring finally最后拿来
    • bring lightly悄悄地拿来
    • bring obviously明显地拿来
    • bring painfully痛苦地引起
    • bring rarely稀少地拿来
    • bring ultimately最后拿来
    • bring vividly生动地造成
    • bring about引起,带来,招致,产生,完成,实现
    • bring about a change带来变化
    • bring about a cure治愈
    • bring about a good result带来好的消息
    • bring about a reform实现改革
    • bring about a resumption of negotiation恢复谈判
    • bring about an effect产生效果
    • bring about an illness生病
    • bring about sb's ruin把某人毁了
    • bring about the wreck of sb's hope使某人的希望破灭
    • bring down打下,打倒,降低
    • bring down the house博得满堂喝彩,使哄堂大笑
    • bring forth evidence提出证据
    • bring forth flowers开花
    • bring forth fruit结出果实
    • bring forth good results带来好的结果
    • bring forth poverty and want造成贫困和匮乏
    • bring in提出,收获,带进,收入,宣判
    • bring in a verdict宣判
    • bring off送去,完成,办完,救出,成功
    • bring on引起,发展,提出
    • bring on a disaster带来灾难
    • bring on an abortion导致失败
    • bring on an illness生病
    • bring on suspicion引起怀疑
    • bring trouble on找麻烦
    • bring out拿出,发挥,说明,出版,产生,使出现
    • bring out a new book出版新书
    • bring out one's knife拔出刀子
    • bring over进口,使…转变,使相信,使说服
    • bring round使…苏醒,恢复知觉,觉悟过来,使…转向,转移,说明
    • bring through使渡过难关,使脱险
    • bring patient through使病人脱险
    • bring up培养,提出,(旧事)重提,呕吐,使停止
    • bring up the rear殿后,压队
    • bring before向…提出…
    • bring into being实现,使…出现
    • bring into effect使…生效,实行,完成,贯彻
    • bring into force使…实现
    • bring into line使…一致
    • bring into notoriety使…声名狼藉
    • bring into operation使…运转起来,使…投入生产
    • bring into play使…实现,发挥〔调动〕…的作用
    • bring into service使…发挥作用
    • bring into sight使…出现在眼前
    • bring into step使…步调一致
    • bring into the world使…产生
    • bring to使(某人)苏醒,(使)停驶
    • bring to an end使终结,使停止
    • bring to bear朝向,利用,加压力于
    • bring to book使供认罪状
    • bring to close使终结,使停止
    • bring to fruition使…实现
    • bring to head使…尖锐化
    • bring to heel使某人就范
    • bring to judgement受审判
    • bring to justice将某人交法院审判
    • bring to life救活某人
    • bring to light发掘出来
    • bring to mind回忆起来
    • bring to nought使…破灭
    • bring to one's feet使站起来
    • bring to pass使发生,使成为事实
    • bring to perfection使…完美
    • bring to power使…上台
    • bring to reason使某人讲道理,说服某人变得明智些
    • bring to rest使…停下来
    • bring to ruin招致毁灭
    • bring to safety使脱离危险
    • bring to stop使终结,使停止
    • bring to term使某人屈服
    • bring to the ground使…到底
    • bring to the hammer拍卖
    • bring under control使…受控制
    • bring under suspicion使某人受到怀疑
    • bring under the attention使受到注意
    • bring under the notice使受到注意


    bring about引起;[航]使掉头

    bring forward提出;提前;结转

    bring up提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下

    bring in引进;生产;增加

    bring into v. 使开始;使进入某种状态

    bring out出版,生产;使显示;说出

    bring forth v. 产生;发表

    bring back拿回来;使…恢复;使…回忆起来

    bring down降低;打倒,打死;击落

    bring on导致;引起;使…发展

    bring along带来;使……发展

    bring together集合;使…团结起来

    bring into play发挥;启用

    bring home清楚说明;将…带回家

    bring with v. 带来;拿来;取来

    bring into effect实施;实行;使生效

    bring an end to vt. 结束,使完结

    bring it on魅力四射(电影名,又译美少女啦啦队)

    bring to mind想起

    bring into being使…形成;使…存在



    1. She brought her boyfriend to the party.
    2. Rot it! I forgot to bring my book with me.
    3. Floods brought destruction to the vally.
    4. Smoke and flames brought the neighbors.
    5. He wondered what brought her to see him.
    1. Indigestion may bring about this disease.


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