英 [ˈsʌmət]
美 [ˈsʌmət]
Institutional Health Care for the Elderly in North-eastern Thailand[Using artificial broken rice as energy resource for swines]SIHTASUTUSE EESTI RAHVUSKULTUURI FOND KAHEKÜMNE ESIMENE JAGAMINE STIPENDIUMID JA TOETUSED 2011. AASTAKS SIHTASUTUSE EESTI RAHVUSKUL...do summat get clued up bout globalisationExperiential Knowledge & Rigour in ResearchExperimenting Social Constructivist Approach in Entrepreneurial Process-Based Training: Cases in Social, Creative and Technology Ent...Experimenting Social Constructivist Approach in Entrepreneurial Process-Based Training: Cases in Social, Creative and Technology Ent...Cultural heritage and entrepreneurship – inspiration for novel ventures creationThe learning community in the field of cultural tourismKunstniku Kalevipoeg: eepose ja müüdi taasesitus Kristjan Rauast Gunnar Neemeni