



  • n.

    怀疑,疑虑( doubt的名词复数 );未确定;

  • v.

    怀疑,疑惑( doubt的第三人称单数 );

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 怀疑,疑惑 be uncertain about; hesitate to believe; question the truth of
    1. [U][C]怀疑,疑虑 uncertainty of mind
    2. [U][C]未确定 uncertain state of things


    doubt[ daut ]

    • n.
      • the state of being unsure of something


      • uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something


    • v.
      • consider unlikely or have doubts about

        "I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage"

      • lack confidence in or have doubts about

        "I doubt these reports"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • doubt one's own existence怀疑自己的存在
    • doubt sb's ability怀疑某人的能力
    • doubt sb's character怀疑某人的人格
    • doubt sb's consciousness怀疑某人的觉悟
    • doubt sb's death怀疑某人的死亡
    • doubt sb's decision怀疑某人的决定
    • doubt sb's efficiency怀疑某人的效率
    • doubt sb's evidence怀疑某人的证据
    • doubt sb's existence怀疑某人的存在
    • doubt sb's faith怀疑某人的信仰
    • doubt sb's feeling怀疑某人的感情
    • doubt sb's honesty怀疑某人的诚实
    • doubt sb's intentions怀疑某人的动机
    • doubt sb's judgment怀疑某人的判断
    • doubt sb's nature怀疑某人的本性
    • doubt sb's personality怀疑某人的人格
    • doubt sb's prestige怀疑某人的威望
    • doubt sb's proof怀疑某人的证明
    • doubt sb's sanity怀疑某人的清醒
    • doubt sb's sincerity怀疑某人的诚意
    • doubt sb's stand怀疑某人的立场
    • doubt sb's success怀疑某人的成功
    • doubt sb's support怀疑某人的支持
    • doubt sb's understanding怀疑某人的理解力
    • doubt sb's view怀疑某人的看法
    • doubt sb's wisdom怀疑某人的才智
    • doubt sb's words怀疑某人说的话
    • doubt the cause of怀疑…的起因
    • doubt the certificates of怀疑…的证件
    • doubt the correctness of怀疑…的正确性
    • doubt the method of怀疑…的方法
    • doubt the precision of怀疑…的精密度
    • doubt the progress of怀疑…的进展
    • doubt the quality of怀疑…的质量
    • doubt the reason of怀疑…的原因
    • doubt the result of怀疑…的结果
    • doubt the sources of怀疑…的来源
    • doubt the system of怀疑…的体系
    • doubt the theory of怀疑…的理论
    • doubt the truth of怀疑…的真实性
    • doubt the value of怀疑…的价值
    • doubt the way of怀疑…的做法
    • doubt the witness怀疑证人
    • doubt hardly不容置疑
    • doubt very much非常怀疑
    • doubt casually偶尔怀疑
    • doubt childishly幼稚地怀疑
    • doubt gravely非常怀疑
    • doubt greatly非常怀疑
    • doubt growingly渐渐怀疑
    • doubt painfully痛苦地怀疑
    • doubt reasonably有理地怀疑
    • doubt seriously非常怀疑
    • doubt strongly非常怀疑
    • doubt unjustly不公正地怀疑
    • doubt about怀疑
    • doubt of怀疑
    • doubt of its further progress怀疑其进一步拓展
    • doubt of sb's ability怀疑某人的能力
    • doubt of success怀疑成功性
    用作名词 (n.)
    • arouse doubt引起怀疑
    • cast doubt引起怀疑
    • cause doubt引起怀疑
    • clear doubts消除疑虑
    • decide doubt解决疑问
    • destroy doubt消除疑虑
    • dismiss doubts消除疑虑
    • have doubt存在疑问
    • remove doubts消除疑虑
    • resolve all doubts消除所有的疑虑
    • satisfy doubts消除疑虑
    • settle a doubt消除疑虑
    • all doubt一切怀疑
    • any doubt任何怀疑
    • disagreeable doubt令人不快的怀疑
    • grave doubt严重的怀疑
    • great doubt严重的怀疑
    • historic doubt历史的怀疑
    • little doubt几乎不怀疑
    • much doubt很怀疑
    • serious doubt严重的怀疑
    • slight doubt一丝怀疑
    • strong doubt强烈的怀疑
    • sudden doubt突然的怀疑
    • beyond all doubt不容置疑
    • in doubt存在疑问
    • with doubt存在疑问
    • without a doubt无疑地
    • doubt about对…的疑问
    • doubt as to对…的疑问
    • doubt in regard to对…的怀疑
    • doubt of对…的怀疑
    • doubt on〔upon〕对…的怀疑


    no doubt adv. 无疑地;很可能地

    in doubt可怀疑的;不能肯定的

    there is no doubt毫无疑问

    without doubt无疑地;确实地

    doubt about v. 怀疑

    have doubts about怀疑

    without a doubt无疑地

    beyond doubt无容置疑,确实地

    benefit of the doubt假定其无过失或无罪(因无充分证据证明某人有罪);裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定

    cast doubt on引起对…的怀疑;对…产生怀疑

    reasonable doubt合理的怀疑

    beyond all doubt adv. 毫无疑问地

    shadow of a doubt辣手摧花(电影名称,又名心声疑影)

    hang in doubt悬而未决;还不能确定



    1. There is no doubt that we will be successful.
    2. Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.
    3. The outcome of this discussion is still in doubt.
    1. She's been feeling ill these days, so I doubt that she'll feel up to going to the country this weekend.
    2. She was very angry with you, because you seemed to doubt what she had said.
    1. She said that I was getting into the habit of doubting.


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