- Asterix were a Indonesia alternative group whose members would later go on to change their name and form the first line-up of V2up. During the band's short-lived time under this name they recorded one album in 2006 and released the single "Andaikan".
The Prague Asterix Laser SystemThe asterix III pulsed high-power iodine laserPrague Asterix Laser System-a new high power facilityPrague Asterix Laser System (PALS): results and upgradesPrague ASTERIX Laser System (PALS) - Physical Program and PlansASTERIX: towards a scalable, semistructured data platform for evolving-world modelsLayout and performance of the Asterix IV iodine laser at MPQ, GarchingVisual representations of the idealized cognitive model of anger in the Asterix album La ZizanieDesign of a multi-petawatt optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier for the iodine laser ASTERIX IVHigh-brightness laser plasma soft X-ray source using a double-stream gas puff target irradiated with the Prague Asterix Laser System...