[地名] [美国] 弗朗科尼亚;
- Map of the Franconia region. In the centre of the map, around Würzburg, river Main makes a sharp turn which defines a V-shaped triangle which has given name to the "Main triangle", Maindreieck.
Jurassic stratigraphy of Franconia
Insects from the Buntsandstein of Lower Franconia and Thuringia
Changes in the phenology and composition of wine from Franconia, Germany
Fifty years of natural revegetation on a landslide in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Analysis of land-use change in a sector of Upper Franconia (Bavaria, Germany) since 1850 using land register records
Prospective analysis of the incidence of autoimmune bullous disorders in Lower Franconia, Germany
Changing Trends of Incidence and Prognosis of Thyroid Carcinoma in Lower Franconia, Germany, from 1981-1995
Upper Triassic (Keuper) non-marine trace fossils from the Hassberge area (Franconia, southeastern Germany)
Climate-induced changes in grapevine yield and must sugar content in Franconia (Germany) between 1805 and 2010.
Upper Triassic (Keuper) non-marine trace fossils from the Haßberge area (Franconia, south-eastern Germany)
Insects from the Buntsandstein of Lower Franconia and Thuringia
Changes in the phenology and composition of wine from Franconia, Germany
Fifty years of natural revegetation on a landslide in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Analysis of land-use change in a sector of Upper Franconia (Bavaria, Germany) since 1850 using land register records
Prospective analysis of the incidence of autoimmune bullous disorders in Lower Franconia, Germany
Changing Trends of Incidence and Prognosis of Thyroid Carcinoma in Lower Franconia, Germany, from 1981-1995
Upper Triassic (Keuper) non-marine trace fossils from the Hassberge area (Franconia, southeastern Germany)
Climate-induced changes in grapevine yield and must sugar content in Franconia (Germany) between 1805 and 2010.
Upper Triassic (Keuper) non-marine trace fossils from the Haßberge area (Franconia, south-eastern Germany)