英 ['məʊtərɪ]
美 ['moʊtərɪ]
VÝZKUM POREZITY KOVOVÝCH VRSTEV V PRÁŠKOVÉ METALURGII METODAMI NEDESTRUKTIVNÍHO TESTOVÁNÍMotoryContext sensomotory of activity-dependent increase in cerebral blood flowDevice for the reeducation of motory deficiencies, particularly deficiencies when walking, in patientsTask-Relevant Relaxation Network for Visuo-Motory SystemsTask-Relevant Relaxation Network for Visuo-Motory SystemsMotory interdependence of pseudopodia in freely moving Amoeba proteusReversal of motory polarity of Amoeba proteus by suctionOrganization of motory functions in amoebae and in slime moulds plasmodiaChanges of motory polarization in Amoeba proteus as induced by oil injections