- adj. 搅浑的;被激怒的;焦急的;污秽的 (roily的变形)
What is the True Value of a Lost Customer?Intratesticular Factors and Testosterone Secretion. Effect of Treatments That Alter the Level of Testosterone Within the TestisGastric Mucosa And Susceptibility To Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding Caused By AspirinThe consistency of the BIC Markov order estimatorMEK-2, a Caenorhabditis elegans MAP kinase kinase, functions in Ras-mediated vulval induction and other developmental events.S.P.4 Functional changes in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A 24month longitudinal cohort studyA case study of a plant-animal relationship: Cola lizae and lowland gorillas in the Lope Reserve, Gabon.A method for rapid in situ extraction and laboratory determination of Th, Pb, and Ra isotopes from large volumes of seawaterA model approximation scheme for planning in partially observable stochastic domainsPrior expectations evoke stimulus templates in the primary visual cortex.