role model

《role model》怎以读

英 [rəul ˈmɔdəl]
美 [rol ˈmɑdl]

《role model》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 变形

    复数:role models


    role model

    • n.someone worthy of imitation


    学习《role model》怎么用


    1. We are seen as role models by many youngsters.
    2. A coach should act as a role model for his athletes.


    Role Model
    role model
    Role Model
    Role model based framework design and integration
    Role model based framework design and integration
    Role model influences on college women's career aspirations.
    Apolipophorin III: Role model apolipoprotein
    Role model designs and implementations with aspect-oriented programming
    Role Model Performance Effects on Development of Entrepreneurial Career Preference
    Women Helping Women? Role Model and Mentoring Effects on Female Ph.D. Students in Economics
    The attributes of the clinical trainer as a role model: a systematic review.
    Estimating and Interpreting Peer and Role Model Effects from Randomly Assigned Social Groups at West Point
    Developing the Professional Self-Concept: Role Model Construals in Early, Middle, and Late Career Stages
    上一篇:role conflict
    下一篇:role play