- n.acting a particular role (as in psychotherapy)
- Click the left side of the screen to create a Roleplaying Character.
点击左侧创建角色扮演类人物。 - If you don't try new things with your character, you really aren't roleplaying.
Role PlayingRole-PlayingRole-PlayingRoleplaying in psychotherapy : a manualInternet audio multi-user roleplaying gameRoleplaying in a conflict resolution setting: Description and some implications for accountingROLEPLAYING EN EL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE DE ENFERMERÍA: VALORACIÓN DE LOS PROFESORESTherapy is Fantasy : Roleplaying , Healing and the Construction of Symbolic OrderParent training techniques: Effects of lecture-roleplaying followed by feedback and self-recording ☆Lord of the Iron Fortress (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure, 15th Level)How to Host a Pervasive Game-Supporting Face-to-Face Interactions in Live-Action RoleplayingRICHNESS AND COMPLEXITY OF TEACHING DIVISION: PROSPECTIVE ELEMENTARY TEACHERS' ROLEPLAYING ON A DIVISION WITH REMAINDERHow to Host a Pervasive Game - Supporting Face-toFace Interactions in Live-Action Roleplaying. Position paper at the Designing Ubiqu...