Supplantation of mental operations on graphsSupplantation of mental operations on graphsA Supplantation Model for Instructional Design: Investigation of a Behavioural Science Approach.The Role of Attribution, Modality, and Supplantation in Multimedia LearningAn Examination of Supplantation and Redistribution Effects of Lottery Allocations To a Community College SystemChapter 16 The Supplantation of Mental Images through Graphics: Instructional Effects on Spatial Visualization Skills of AdultsMathematisieren funktionaler Zusammenhänge mit multimediabasierter SupplantationMathematisieren funktionaler Zusammenhänge mit multi-mediabasierter SupplantationThe effects of cognitive style and a supplantation technique on a picture detail recognition task taught by televisionRice white stemborer Scirpophaga innotata (Walker) in southern Mindanao, Philippines. I. Supplantation of yellow stemborer S. incert...