英 [ˈtru:səʊ]
美 [ˈtrusoʊ]
trousseau[ 'tru:səu, tru:'səu ]
- n.the personal outfit of a bride; clothes and accessories and linens
- The chest was made for a bride's trousseau.
这个柜子是为新娘的嫁妆而做的。 - She knows that these linen sheets are part of my trousseau.
Trousseau's syndrome. Devastating coagulopathy in the absence of heparin ☆
Malignancy, thrombosis and Trousseau: the case for an eponym.
Paris-Trousseau syndrome : clinical, hematological, molecular data of ten new cases.
From Trousseau to targeted therapy: new insights and innovations in thrombosis and cancer
Oncogenes, Trousseau Syndrome, and Cancer-Related Changes in the Coagulome of Mice and Humans
Microvesicle-associated tissue factor and Trousseau's syndrome.
Activation of blood coagulation in cancer: Trousseau's syndrome revisited.
Systematic review: the Trousseau syndrome revisited: should we screen extensively for cancer in patients with venous thromboembolism?
FLI1 monoallelic expression combined with its hemizygous loss underlies Paris-Trousseau/Jacobsen thrombopenia.
Selectin-mucin interactions as a probable molecular explanation for the association of Trousseau syndrome with mucinous adenocarcino...
Malignancy, thrombosis and Trousseau: the case for an eponym.
Paris-Trousseau syndrome : clinical, hematological, molecular data of ten new cases.
From Trousseau to targeted therapy: new insights and innovations in thrombosis and cancer
Oncogenes, Trousseau Syndrome, and Cancer-Related Changes in the Coagulome of Mice and Humans
Microvesicle-associated tissue factor and Trousseau's syndrome.
Activation of blood coagulation in cancer: Trousseau's syndrome revisited.
Systematic review: the Trousseau syndrome revisited: should we screen extensively for cancer in patients with venous thromboembolism?
FLI1 monoallelic expression combined with its hemizygous loss underlies Paris-Trousseau/Jacobsen thrombopenia.
Selectin-mucin interactions as a probable molecular explanation for the association of Trousseau syndrome with mucinous adenocarcino...