学习《at some stage》怎么用
- She took the stage for her big moment.
她把这一阶段视为她的重要历程。 - At this stage the star radiates only in the infrared.
At Some Stage‘I think they just think it’s going to go away at some stage’: Policy and Practice in Teaching English as an Additional Language ...[Can the natural history of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency be influenced at some stage in chronic pancreatitis?].at some stage only books and tea would be your only best friendsENJOY THE MOMENT; Currie Tells His Squad to Savor Their Success as Unbeaten Run Will Come to an End at Some StageA Roadmap Towards the Selection of the Most Adapted Battery System for Electrical Energy StoragePharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, pigments, dyes, specialty chemicals, and explosives are all, at some stage during the manufacturing ...Review: At Some StageFootball: 'With These Good Young Players, at Some Stage They Arrive at the Door' ; Koeman Looks to Attack as Rijkaard Focuses on Def...Can Stress Lead to Cancer?; Nearly All of Us Suffer from Stress at Some Stage in Our Lives, and a Scary Number of Us Will Also Devel...