英 ['bʌsəntɔ:]
美 ['bʌsəntɔ]
5565 UkyounodaibuDESIGN OF A HYDRAULICALLY ACTUATED ARM FOR A QUADRUPED ROBOTBeholding us descend, each one stood still, And from the squadron three detached themselves, With bows and arrows in advance selected;Serum thyroglobulin concentrations and (131)I whole-body scan results in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma after admini...A tandem gene duplication followed by recruitment of a retrotransposon created the paralogous bucentaur gene (bcntp97) in the ancest...A tandem gene duplictaion followed by recrutitment of a retrotransposon created the paralogous bucentaur gene (bcnt) in the ancestra...Multiple duplication of the bucentaur gene family, which recruits the APE-like domain of retrotransposon: Identification of a novel ...The Bucentaur (BCNT) protein family: a long-neglected class of essential proteins required for chromatin/chromosome organization and...Madrigal: Spirto di Dio - Geist des Allmächt'gen: Madrigal, gesungen auf dem Bucentaur bei Gelegenheit der Vermählung des Dogen vo...The BUCENTAUR