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Frontal lobe lesions in man cause difficulties in suppressing reflexive glances and in generating goal-directed saccades.Spatial compatibility and anatomical factors in simple and choice reaction time.Personality: the universal and the culturally specificWhat Do Cross-National Comparisons of Personality Traits Tell Us? The Case of ConscientiousnessPositron emission tomographic scan investigations of Huntington's disease: Cerebral metabolic correlates of cognitive functionSerial Cognitive Testing in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Longitudinal Changes with Medical and Surgical TherapiesSpatial attentional shifts: Implications for the role of polysensory mechanismsHemispheric Superiority in Reaction Time to Faces: A Sex Difference 1Verbal Fluency and Positron Emission Tomographic Mapping of Regional Cerebral Glucose MetabolismPresurgery expectations, postsurgery satisfaction, and psychosocial adjustment after epilepsy surgery