学习《at the very beginning of》怎么用
Energy mode distribution at the very beginning of parametric instabilities of monochromatic Langmuir wavesC1/1 Introductory notes: Energetic constraints at the very beginning of lifeEFFECTS OF TEACHING SOUNDS AS LETTERS SIMULTANEOUSLY AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF A BASIC FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSEModeling Formalization of MDA Software Development at the Very Beginning of Life CycleAt the very beginning of life on Earth: the thiol-rich peptide (TRP) world hypothesisAt the Very Beginning of Parisian Punk: From the Charlemagne Highschool to the Club 100PP.04.20: LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF HYPERTENSION.[Reactivity to various agents of the pituitary-testicular axis in drakes treated at the very beginning of the "refractory period"of...Scenario of NCLDVs emerging from the rhizome of life with roots appearing at the very beginning of life.Benton visual retention test performance in healthy adults and in acute stroke patients at the very beginning of their rehabilitatio...