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    Light Emission from InGaN Quantum Wells Grown on the Facets of Closely Spaced GaN Nano-Pyramids Formed by Nano-Imprinting
    [Secondary prevention in outpatients with coronary artery disease. Adherence with recommendations within 4 weeks after hospital disc...
    Microinjection of fos
    Mycorrhizal Technology in Agriculture
    Mycorrhizal association of Agrostis capillaris and Glomus intraradices under heavy metal stress : Combination of plant clones and fu...
    Geophysical Field Pattern in The West Bohemian Geodynamic Active Area
    Pneumatic actuating device for a toilet flush valve
    Flywheel reserve power for outside plant of a communication network
    Disturbances in groundwater chemical parameters related to seismic and volcanic activity in Kamchatka (Russia)
    Competition of Scleroconidioma sphagnicola with fungi decomposing spruce litter needles