英 ['kʌlmən]
美 ['kʌlmən]
- The culmen is the portion of the anterior vermis adjacent to the primary fissure of cerebellum.
The Use of Culmen Length to Determine Sex of the American White PelicanVariation in Mass, Wing, and Culmen with Age, Sex, and Season in the Mexican Jay (Variación en Masa, Largo de Ala y del Culmen con ...Sex Determination of Adult Black Terns by DNA and Morphometrics: Tests of Sample Size, Temporal Stability and Geographic Specificity...Assortative Mating and Sexual Size Dimorphism in Western and Semipalmated SandpipersAn fMRI study of acupuncture using independent component analysisSex Determination of Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) using Morphometric MeasurementsAge and Sex Size Variation in Golden EaglesMeasurements of Wintering Double-Crested Cormorants and Discriminant Models of Sex (Medidas de Phalacrocorax auritus auritus Inverna...Sexing Adult King Cormorants (Phalacrocorax albiventer) by Discriminant AnalysisBLEACHING COMPOSITION COMPRISING A CARBOHYDRATE OXIDASE