Tuesday 星期二,礼拜二;
- n.the third day of the week; the second working day
Scarless endoscopic surgery: NOTES or TUES
Which term is better: SILS, SPA, LESS, E-NOTES, or TUES?
Tues-P94 – Panic disorder and cigarette smoking behaviour
Tues-P57 - The integration of cognitive and dynamic approaches in the psychotherapy of emotional disorders
Tues-P51 - Effectiveness of sulpiride vs. Mianserine in treatment of late-life psychotic depression
Clinical examination of cholecystectomy with suspended TUES celioscope
JRLC 5400: Race, Gender and Media Spring 2007: 87- 265 Class Meets: Tues. & Thurs., 11:00-12:15 P. M. 348 Student Learning Center
Preparation et utilisation d'organismes de e. coli tues dans le formol et exprimant un antigene de facteur de colonisation (cfa) dan...
Appareil de traitement d'animaux tues en abattoir
Are mixtues of aspen and white spruce more productive than single species stands?
Which term is better: SILS, SPA, LESS, E-NOTES, or TUES?
Tues-P94 – Panic disorder and cigarette smoking behaviour
Tues-P57 - The integration of cognitive and dynamic approaches in the psychotherapy of emotional disorders
Tues-P51 - Effectiveness of sulpiride vs. Mianserine in treatment of late-life psychotic depression
Clinical examination of cholecystectomy with suspended TUES celioscope
JRLC 5400: Race, Gender and Media Spring 2007: 87- 265 Class Meets: Tues. & Thurs., 11:00-12:15 P. M. 348 Student Learning Center
Preparation et utilisation d'organismes de e. coli tues dans le formol et exprimant un antigene de facteur de colonisation (cfa) dan...
Appareil de traitement d'animaux tues en abattoir
Are mixtues of aspen and white spruce more productive than single species stands?