bullrush[ 'bulrʌʃ ]
- n.
- tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed heads that explode when mature shedding large quantities of down; its long flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats; of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa
同义词:cat's-tailbulrushnailrodreed macereedmaceTypha latifolia
- tall rush with soft erect or arching stems found in Eurasia, Australia, New Zealand, and common in North America
同义词:bulrushcommon rushsoft rushJuncus effusus
- tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed heads that explode when mature shedding large quantities of down; its long flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats; of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa
BullrushBull RushBULL RUSHBullrush I ReservoirData Session 3 (Bullrush)Data Session 3 (Bullrush)Rugby League: Raper Backs Saints to Win Title BullrushSURVIVAL OF BULLRUSH IN A CONSTRUCTED WETLAND TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR SEWAGE EFFLUENT AS AFFECTED BY REDOX, PH AND MICROBESPhytoremediation of Chlorpyrifos by Softstem Bullrush (Scirpus Tabernaemontani Gmel.) In a Hydroponic SystemEFFECT OF REDOX, PH, AND MICROBES ON THE SURVIVAL OF BULLRUSH IN A CONSTRUCTED WETLAND TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR SEWAGE EFFLUENTDrake, C. M. Seasonal dynamics of Chironomidae (Diptera) on the bullrush Schoenoplectus lacustris in a chalk stream. Freshwater Biol...Influence of initial concentration of chlorpyrifos in aquatic environment on removal by softstem bullrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani G...Influence of initial concentration of chlorpyrifos in aquatic environment on removal by softstem bullrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani G...