英 ['bʌndlər]
美 ['bʌndlər]
BundlerBundler: Structure from Motion (SfM) for Unordered Image CollectionsiBundler: an agent-based decision support service for combinatorial negotiationsSpecial instanton bundler on IP2N + 1, their geometry and their moduli.Performance of a logging residue bundler in the temperate forests of France.Actin bundler PLIM2s are involved in the regulation of pollen development and tube growth in ArabidopsisProductivity of whole-tree bundler in energy wood and pulpwood harvesting from early thinnings.Productivity of a prototype truck-mounted logging residue bundler and a road-side bundling system.Energy wood and pulpwood harvesting from young stands using a prototype whole-tree bundler.Phospho-Regulated Interaction between Kinesin-6 Klp9p and Microtubule Bundler Ase1p Promotes Spindle Elongation