tup[ tʌp ]
- n.uncastrated adult male sheep
"a British term is `tup'"
Tupping rams rating by BLUP SM methodPre-tupping shearing of Merino two-tooth ewesStrong demand for tupping ewes lifts confidenceExamination of the sheep flock before tuppingeffect of ewe condition at tupping on lambing performancePelatihan Tari Tupping Di Sanggar Intan Desa Kuripan Kecamatan Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung SelatanPembelajaran Tari Tupping Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi Pada Siswa Tunarungu Di SLB Negeri MetroCondition-score ewes and adjust grazing for a successful tuppingBenefits of strategic use of grassland pre-tupping for ewes carrying a high-fertility gene.Meat Qualities of Youngsters Received from Rams, Used in the Tupping of Dam at Early Age