英 ['dju:əlɪn]
美 ['djuəlɪn]
- Dualin is an explosive material based on nitroglycerin and nitrogenized cellulose using sawdust or wood pulp. It is inferior to dynamite and more liable to explosion.
DualinThermally-triggered DualIn-situSelf-healing Metallic Materials:Dualinė juostų simbolika: atitikmenys ir tipologinės sąsajos Lietuvoje, Rytų bei Senosios Europos kultūrose5-1 Dualin AntennaMentorių mokymo patirtis, įgyvendinant dualinį profesinį mokymą lietuvoje pagal projektą „darbu grindžiamas mokymasis“CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-alpha amino acid motifs with dual TBP and TFIIB binding ability co-operate to activate transcription ...Dual‐mode modeling of competitive and concentration‐dependent sorption and desorption kinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...Communicating packetized data over a channel using a dual leaky bucket priority scheme for assigning priorities to ports assigned to...Principle and Performance of a Dual-Band Search Coil Magnetometer: A New Instrument to Investigate Fluctuating Magnetic Fields in Sp...Ayadualin, a novel RGD peptide with dual antihemostatic activities from the sand fly Lutzomyia ayacuchensis , a vector of Andean-typ...