英 ['tɜ:n'aʊt]
美 ['tɜn'aʊt]
[计] 切断;
- n.
- the group that gathers together for a particular occasion
- a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
- a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass
同义词:sidingrailroad sidingturnoutsidetrack
- what is produced in a given time period
- a set of clothing (with accessories)
- attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election)
- (ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip
- the group that gathers together for a particular occasion
- v.
- be shown or be found to be
同义词:proveturn outturn up
- prove to be in the result or end
同义词:turn out
- produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery
同义词:turn out
- result or end
同义词:turn outcome out
- come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons
同义词:turn out
- bring forth,
同义词:bearturn out
- put out or expel from a place
同义词:expelejectchuck outexcludethrow outkick outturf outboot outturn out
- come and gather for a public event
同义词:turn out
- outfit or equip, as with accessories
同义词:turn out
- turn outward
同义词:turn outsplayspread outrotate
- cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch
同义词:switch offcutturn offturn out
- get up and out of bed
同义词:get upturn outariseupriserise
- be shown or be found to be
- These drawers are full of rubbish; it's time I had a good turn-out.
这些抽屉里净是没用的东西,我得好好清理一下了。 - The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
校长表扬男同学服装整齐。 - There was a good turn-out at yesterday's meeting.
Why bother? Determinants of turnout in the European elections
Effect of the level of concentrate supplementation, herbage allowance and milk yield at turn-out on the performance of dairy cows in...
Dynamic interaction between train and railway turnout: full-scale field test and validation of simulation models
Residential Mobility and Voter Turnout
A Deeper Look at the Proportionality-Turnout Nexus
Self-Prophecy Effects and Voter Turnout: An Experimental Replication
The Impact of Closeness on Turnout: An Empirical Relation Based on a Study of a Two-Round Ballot
Erratum to - Field Experiments and the Study of Voter Turnout (10.1080/17457289.2012.728223)
Explaining near‐universal turnout: The case of Malta
Why Do People Vote? A Psychological Analysis of the Causes of Voter Turnout
Effect of the level of concentrate supplementation, herbage allowance and milk yield at turn-out on the performance of dairy cows in...
Dynamic interaction between train and railway turnout: full-scale field test and validation of simulation models
Residential Mobility and Voter Turnout
A Deeper Look at the Proportionality-Turnout Nexus
Self-Prophecy Effects and Voter Turnout: An Experimental Replication
The Impact of Closeness on Turnout: An Empirical Relation Based on a Study of a Two-Round Ballot
Erratum to - Field Experiments and the Study of Voter Turnout (10.1080/17457289.2012.728223)
Explaining near‐universal turnout: The case of Malta
Why Do People Vote? A Psychological Analysis of the Causes of Voter Turnout