《Turner syndrome》怎以读
[ˈtə:nə ˈsindrəum]
《Turner syndrome》是什么意思
学习《Turner syndrome》怎么用
Turner syndrome
Turner Syndrome
Turner syndrome.
Turner syndrome: an update and review for the primary pediatrician.
Growth curve for girls with Turner syndrome.
Occurrence of cancer in women with Turner syndrome
Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Turner syndrome.
Turner Syndrome Study Group: Care of girls and women with Turner syndrome: a guideline of the Turner Syndrome Study Group
Mosaicism in 45,X Turner syndrome: does survival in early pregnancy depend on the presence of two sex chromosomes?
The short stature homeobox gene SHOX is involved in skeletal abnormalities in Turner syndrome.
Turner Syndrome
Turner syndrome.
Turner syndrome: an update and review for the primary pediatrician.
Growth curve for girls with Turner syndrome.
Occurrence of cancer in women with Turner syndrome
Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Turner syndrome.
Turner Syndrome Study Group: Care of girls and women with Turner syndrome: a guideline of the Turner Syndrome Study Group
Mosaicism in 45,X Turner syndrome: does survival in early pregnancy depend on the presence of two sex chromosomes?
The short stature homeobox gene SHOX is involved in skeletal abnormalities in Turner syndrome.