- adj.=duddy
Duddie Luella名称
Luella Duddie标签
Towel rack with actuating retainer barDevices and methods for facilitating automated configuration of communications interfacesDEVICES AND METHODS FOR FACILITATING AUTOMATED CONFIGURATION OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACESDigital detractors aren't all fuddy-duddiesLick or be licked : why are the fuddy-duddies standing in the way of fair comparative advertising?Cyberfuddies and DataduddiesPrescription for incipient geezers, gaffers, and fuddyduddies.Cover Story: Here Come the Fuddy-Duddies ; We've Seen Punk, Goth, Grunge - but Fogey? Let John Walsh and His Panel of Experts Guide ...Corporate Jollies to Oust 'Cultural Fuddy-Duddies' from Pompeii Ruins90-year-old WI 'is not just for fuddy duddies' ; The Women's Institute, which celebrates its 90th anniversary in Devon this year, is...