business school

《business school》怎以读

英 [ˈbiznis sku:l]
美 [ˈbɪznɪs skul]

《business school》是什么意思

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    复数:business schools


    business school

    • n.a graduate school offering study leading to a degree of Master in Business Administration

    学习《business school》怎么用


    1. Two years of business school really paid off.
    2. These reflections upon the general functions of a university can be at once translated in terms of the particular functions of a business school.


    Newcastle University Business School
    Harvard Business School: Strategy Cases and Articles
    How business schools lost their way.
    How to Create Uncontested Market Space and make the Competition Irrelevant Boston : Harvard Business School Press . 2005
    The End of Business Schools? Less Success than Meets the Eye
    How Business Schools Lost Their Way
    How business schools lost their way
    ...Transformation of American Business Schools and...
    Adaptive Enterprise — Creating and Leading Sense-and-Respond Organizations : by Stephan H. Haeckel. Harvard Business School Press (...
    8. Business Schools in the Marketplace : From Higher Aims to Hired Hands The Social Transformation of American Business Schools and ...
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