



  • v.

    使农村化,在农村居住( ruralize的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 学习《ruralized》怎么用


    Jobs for women? Gender and class in Ontario's ruralized automotive manufacturing industry
    Ruralized Urban Areas vis-à-vis Urbanised Rural Areas in Zimbabwe: Implications for Spatial Planning
    Shall Germany Be Ruralized? Review Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Germany is Our Problem
    Four Scenarios for the Future of Cities: Collapse, Ruralized, Divided, or Resilient City
    Curriculum-evaluation concerning dependent societies: The contradictory experiment of ruralized primary education in Dahomey (Republ...
    The evolving management of blunt hepatic trauma in a rural setting.
    An Experiment in the Ruralization of Education: IPAR and the Cameroonian Reform. Experiments and Innovations in Education No. 8.
    Making Education Services Work For Rural Population
    Trends in the Ruralization of Primary School Curriculum in the Seventies and the Role of Teacher Education Institutions in Asian Cou...
    Urban-rural problems.