backward-wave oscillator 回波震荡器;
- BWO was a Swedish electro pop group, formed in 2004. Prior to early 2006 they used the name Bodies Without Organs.
Terahertz BWO-SpectrosopyGyro-BWO experiments using a helical interaction waveguideRelativistic X-band BWO with 3-GW output powerDual band operation of the relativistic BWODual band operation of the relativistic BWODefect luminescence of ordered perovskites A 2 BWO 6Frequency-tunable CW gyro-BWO with a helically rippled operating waveguideFrequency-tunable CW gyro-BWO with a helically rippled operating waveguideEfficiency Enhancement of High Power Vacuum BWO's Using Nonuniform Slow Wave StructuresHighly efficient generation of subnanosecond microwave pulses in Ka-band relativistic BWO