Padez̆ dopolnenija v russkix otricatel'-nyx predloz̆enijax, I: Izyskanija novyx metodov v izuc̆enii staroj problemy by Arto Must...Experiments with a wire array Z pinch on the inductive storage generatorRusski adventuresRelaxation of optically stimulated resistance of thin SnO 2 filmsStudy of properties of catalysts for the oxidation of carbon black prepared by “ceramic” synthesis and by pyrolysis of polymeric s...Russki adventuresRadiation of an imploding Z‐pinchPhotopolymer material sensitized by xanthene dyes for holographic recording using forbidden singlet–triplet electronic transitionsObraz stran v jazykovom soznanii russkich i ital'jancevInherent Microporosity and Photostability of Fluoroacrylic Polymer Films Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Nitroxide Spi...