[地名] [美国] 阿维拉;
Imitation of target sequences in pigeonsVIABILITY OF THE GROWTH PLATE AFTER PHYSEAL DISTRACTION[Feeding, mortality and growing of Cydia pomonella (L.) and Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Hubner) on diet with neem incorporated extracts]Técnicas de control otoñal del pulgón ceniciento para manzanos cultivados en agricultura ecológicaCIRANDA DE MOSAICOSCurvas de mortalidad concentración-respuesta de tres insecticidas neurotóxicos sobre adultos macho y hembra de tres especies de to...Separation of Bismuth and lead with Glass PowderMONOSEGMENTAL LIVING DONOR LIVER TRANSPLANTATION FOR CHILDREN UNDER 8 Kg.TRANSHEPATIC EXTERNAL BILIARY CATHETER (TEBC) REDUCES THE INCIDENCE OF BILIARY COMPLICATIONS IN PEDIATRIC LIVING DONOR LIVER TRANSPL...Finite element modeling of the endocardial radiofrequency ablation