英 ['fʌstɪk]
美 ['fʌstɪk]
- Fustic is a common name for several plants and a dye produced from these plants:
Sites and regulation of carnitine biosynthesis in mammals.
25-Norhopanes: Formation during biodegradation of petroleum in the subsurface
Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a tidally influenced river deposit, Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
Massive dominance of Epsilonproteobacteria in formation waters from a Canadian oil sands reservoir containing severely biodegraded oil
Counter point bar deposits: lithofacies and reservoir significance in the meandering modern Peace River and ancient McMurray Formati...
Recognition of down-valley translation in tidally influenced meandering fluvial deposits, Athabasca Oil Sands (Cretaceous), Alberta,...
Bitumen and heavy oil geochemistry: a tool for distinguishing barriers from baffles in oil sands reservoirs
Molecular basis of cystic fibrosis in the Republic of Macedonia
A randomized placebo-controlled study of nebulized liposomal amikacin (Arikace™) in the treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with ...
Differential entrapment of charged oil – New insights on McMurray Formation oil trapping mechanisms
25-Norhopanes: Formation during biodegradation of petroleum in the subsurface
Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a tidally influenced river deposit, Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
Massive dominance of Epsilonproteobacteria in formation waters from a Canadian oil sands reservoir containing severely biodegraded oil
Counter point bar deposits: lithofacies and reservoir significance in the meandering modern Peace River and ancient McMurray Formati...
Recognition of down-valley translation in tidally influenced meandering fluvial deposits, Athabasca Oil Sands (Cretaceous), Alberta,...
Bitumen and heavy oil geochemistry: a tool for distinguishing barriers from baffles in oil sands reservoirs
Molecular basis of cystic fibrosis in the Republic of Macedonia
A randomized placebo-controlled study of nebulized liposomal amikacin (Arikace™) in the treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with ...
Differential entrapment of charged oil – New insights on McMurray Formation oil trapping mechanisms