

英 [əˈweɪ]
美 [əˈwe]


  • adv.


  • adj.


  • 双语释义

    1. 离开,向别处,在别处 not here; from this or that place; to or at another place
    2. 离,远离 to or at a distance
    3. 消失…掉; 完 to an end; none, so that there is less; so as to be gone or used up
    4. 一直…下去; 继续 all the time


    away[ ə'wei ]

    • adj.
      • not present; having left

        "he's away right now"; "you must not allow a stranger into the house when your mother is away"


      • used of an opponent's ground

        "an away game"

      • (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter

        "the pitch was away (or wide)"


    • adv.
      • from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete)

        "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"


      • from one's possession

        "gave away the tickets"


      • out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts)

        "pushed all doubts away"


      • out of existence

        "the music faded away"; "tried to explain away the affair of the letter"; "idled the hours away"; "her fingernails were worn away"

      • at a distance in space or time

        "the boat was 5 miles off (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century"


      • indicating continuing action; continuously or steadily

        "he worked away at the project for more than a year"; "the child kept hammering away as if his life depended on it"

      • so as to be removed or gotten rid of

        "cleared the mess away"; "the rotted wood had to be cut away"

      • freely or at will

        "fire away!"

      • in or into a proper place (especially for storage or safekeeping)

        "put the toys away"; "her jewels are locked away in a safe"; "filed the letter away"

      • in a different direction

        "turn away one's face"; "glanced away"


      • in reserve; not for immediate use

        "has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"




    用作副词 (adv.)
    • attract away吸引走
    • back away为了让出地方而后退,由于害怕而后退; 不愿考虑
    • bang away不断射击
    • bargain away不停地讨价还价; 将(某物)廉价出售,交换出去; 轻易放弃
    • batter away接连不断地打〔砸〕
    • be away离开,不在
    • blast away炸掉〔炸毁〕某物
    • blaze away继续燃烧
    • blink away眨眼以除去
    • blow away(使)吹掉
    • boil away煮干
    • bound away跳跃着离开
    • break away突然离开; 突然挣脱; 与…决裂; 从…退出; 改掉; 放弃
    • bring away带着…离开
    • bundle away(使)匆匆离去
    • burn away不断地燃烧
    • call away叫走,叫到别处; 转移(某人的注意力等)
    • carry away拿走,带走,搬走; 使激动,使着迷
    • chase away赶走,驱逐
    • chat away闲谈
    • chew away继续吃; 咬坏
    • chip away拆掉,削掉,铲除; 凿〔敲〕下碎片
    • chop away砍倒
    • civilize away教育使其改掉
    • clean away除去
    • come away离开
    • consume away毁掉,毁灭
    • crawl away爬开
    • cut away切,剪; 去掉; 切成,剪成; 迅速离开
    • dance away用跳舞驱除; 蹦跳着跑开
    • dart away飞奔而逃
    • dash away匆忙离开; 匆忙抹去…
    • die away(尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失,停止; 昏厥
    • dig away连续挖; 挖开,挖松,挖走
    • dissolve away消失; 消散
    • drag away将…拉走; 将…硬拖走
    • drain away(使)流走〔去〕; (使)吸引走
    • draw away(使)离开,移开; (在竞争中)领先于他人〔物〕
    • dream away在梦幻〔胡思乱想〕中虚度光阴
    • drink away连续地喝酒; 饮酒消愁
    • drive away驱车离开; 把…驱开,赶走
    • drop away陡峭; 减少,下降
    • eat away连续不断地吃; 侵蚀,腐蚀,锈蚀; 咬坏,蛀坏
    • edge away悄悄离开(尤指侧着身子); 慢慢启航
    • explain away为…辩解〔搪塞〕
    • face away把脸转到一边
    • fade away消失; 衰弱
    • faint away昏过去; 消失
    • fall away离开; 消瘦
    • file away存档(备查); 锉掉
    • fill away顺风行驶
    • fine away(使)更好; (使)渐渐消失
    • fire away连续射击; 〈非正〉开始; 热烈地谈; 发问
    • flap away(使)移动
    • flee away逃离
    • fling away扔掉,丢弃; 错过(机会等); 荒废,浪费(某物)
    • flow away流逝
    • flush away冲掉
    • fly away离开,飞离
    • fog away开始射击
    • fold away折叠起来收藏
    • fool away浪费
    • frighten away吓跑,吓走
    • gamble away赌下去; 赌博输掉钱
    • get away离开,脱身; 逃掉
    • give away赠送; 赠予; 颁发; 泄露; 告发
    • go away离开; 私奔
    • grab away抢过某物
    • grind away把…碾成粉末; 磨损,用坏…
    • haul away拖走; 用力拉
    • hide away隐藏
    • howl away连续嚎叫
    • huddle away挤在一起
    • hurl away用力地把(某物)扔出去; 浪费掉(某物)
    • hurry away匆匆离去
    • idle away虚度时光; 空转
    • jump away跳开
    • keep away(使)不接近; (使)缺席
    • kick away连续踢; 踢倒; 踢开
    • kiss away不停地吻; 吻掉; 由于放荡而挥霍掉
    • knock away连续敲击; 打掉,敲掉
    • laugh away连续地笑; 一笑置之; 以笑来驱除〔消除〕
    • lay away储蓄,贮存; 埋葬
    • leak away漏出; 逐渐失去
    • linger away虚度(时间)
    • loaf away虚度
    • lock away把…锁起来
    • look away不再看(某人或某物)
    • lounge away虚度
    • lower away放艘下小船,降下帆篷
    • make away逃跑
    • melt away融化; 逐渐消失
    • motion away示意…离开
    • move away离开
    • mutter away喃喃而语,咕哝地抱怨
    • pass away(时间等)消磨掉,过去; 去世; 终止; 停止
    • pine away消瘦; 憔悴
    • pipe away不断地吹奏
    • post away把…派往它处
    • promise away答应送掉
    • pull away(尤指车辆)开始移动
    • push away继续推; 推开
    • put away收起来,放好
    • refine away取去
    • remain away缺席
    • ride away骑马〔坐车〕离去
    • roll away消散
    • run away逃跑,走掉; 逃脱
    • sail away坐船离开
    • saw away不断地锯; 锯去
    • scrape away用利物刮,擦掉
    • scratch away抓,刮
    • send away遣走,解雇
    • shift away搬走
    • shine away连续照耀; 向一旁照
    • shoot away连续射击; 打掉,打落; 打光,射完; 迅速逃离
    • sigh away连声悲叹
    • sign away签字让出〔放弃〕
    • sing away连续唱; 通过歌唱消除掉
    • skim away把…撇去; 掠过; 轻轻滑开
    • sleep away继续睡,连续睡; 以睡觉度过(时间); 以睡眠摆脱(烦恼)
    • smooth away消除,弄平
    • square away整理好,处理好
    • stand away站开
    • stay away离开,缺席
    • steal away偷偷离去; 偷走(某物)
    • stop away停在远处不过来
    • store away储存某物,收起某物; 把…记在心里
    • strip away掉表面的薄覆盖物; 〈非正〉揭开(伪装)
    • sweep away扫除,刮走,冲走; 清除
    • swim away游走
    • take away拿开,拿走; 把…带走; 使离开; 使停止; 转移; 减去; 剥夺; 夺取; 抢夺
    • talk away不断地谈
    • tear away勉强使离开; 硬行拉走
    • throw away扔掉; 浪费; 错过
    • thrust away把…推开
    • turn away转过脸去; 拒绝(某人)进入
    • walk away走开
    • wash away冲走,清洗; 消除
    • waste away变得衰弱〔消瘦〕
    • wave away挥手示意…离开
    • wear away磨损,磨掉,侵蚀; 消逝; 衰退
    • weather away风化,因风吹雨打而褪色
    • weep away不停地哭泣
    • whip away突然,猛地移开
    • wipe away擦掉,清除
    • wish away继续表达个人的愿望; 希望…离开〔消失〕
    • work away不断地工作
    • write away写信(索要); 连续写作


    away from远离,离开;避开痛苦

    far away遥远的

    right away立刻

    away with ◎把(物)拿走;去掉;把(人)带走 , ◎走开,离开,滚开[一般用于无动词的祈使句] , ◎进行;忍受:He couldn't away with her reproaches.他不能忍受她的申诉。

    far away from远离;离…远

    go away走开

    straight away马上;即刻

    do away with v. 废除,去掉;弄死

    away from her柳暗花明(电影名称)

    far and away无疑地;显然地

    away from it all远离尘嚣

    out and away大大地,远远地



    1. He lives 3 miles away from here.
    2. I hope to get away early in the morning.
    3. He lives in retirement, away from everyone.
    4. I tried to keep the child away from the pool.
    5. Far away in the distance, a train whistled.
    6. We stand on the top of the dam, casting our eyes far away.
    7. The baby is sleeping away quietly.
    8. I found him working away in his office.
    9. She looked away as peach flooded her cheeks.
    10. The radiance of the sunset died away.
    11. The sound fainted away in the distance.
    1. The neighbors are away.
    2. The city is miles away.
    3. The count is three and two with two away in the seventh.
    4. They lost all their away matches.


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