BioOne Online Journals - The Condor - 109(1):167 - Full TextPhylogenetic Analysis of the Evolution of Display Behavior in the Neotropical Manakins (Aves: Pipridae)MANAKINS (PIPRIDAE) IN SECOND-GROWTH AND OLD-GROWTH FORESTS: PATTERNS OF HABITAT USE, MOVEMENT, AND SURVIVALThe evolution of leks through female choice: differential clustering and space utilization in six sympatric manakinsComparison of species tree methods for reconstructing the phylogeny of bearded manakins (Aves: Pipridae, Manacus) from multilocus se...Phylogenetic Analysis of the Evolution of Alternative Social Behavior in the Manakins (Aves: Pipridae)DELAYED MATURATION, NEOTENY, AND SOCIAL SYSTEM DIFFERENCES IN TWO MANAKINS OF THE GENUS CHIROXIPHIAPhylogeny and phylogenetic classification of the tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, manakins, and their allies (Aves: Tyrannides)Sexual selection and the evolution of mechanical sound production in manakins (Aves: Pipridae)Syringeal morphology, phylogeny, and evolution of the Neotropical manakins (Aves: Pipridae)