air filtration

《air filtration》怎以读

英 [eə(r) filˈtreiʃən]
美 [er fɪlˈtreʃən]

《air filtration》是什么意思

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  • 学习《air filtration》怎么用


    1. Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves.
    2. An air filter system eliminates any dust that might clog up the movements.


    Air filtration
    Effect of air filtration systems on asthma: a systematic review of randomized trials.
    Indoor particles affect vascular function in the aged: an air filtration-based intervention study
    Impact of air filtration on nosocomial aspergillus infections ☆ : Unique risk of bone marrow transplant recipients
    Efficacy of prevention by high-efficiency particulate air filtration or laminar airflow against Aspergillus airborne contamination d...
    Air filtration: An integrated approach to the theory and applications of fibrous filters
    Efficacy of High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filtration in Preventing Aspergillosis in Immunocompromised Patients With Hematologic Ma...
    Performance and costs of particle air filtration technologies
    Efficacy of an air‐cleaning device equipped with a high efficiency particulate air filter in house dust mite respiratory allergy
    An Air Filter Intervention Study of Endothelial Function among Healthy Adults in a Woodsmoke-impacted Community
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