学习《deciduous trees》怎么用
Responses of deciduous trees to elevated atmospheric CO[sub 2]: Productivity, phytochemistry, and insect performanceIdentification and emission factors of molecular tracers in organic aerosols from biomass burning Part 2. Deciduous treesWhy Do Temperate Deciduous Trees Leaf Out at Different Times? Adaptation and Ecology of Forest CommunitiesDaylength and thermal time responses of budburst during dormancy release in some northern deciduous treesStomatal conductance, photosynthesis and respiration of temperate deciduous tree seedlings grown outdoors at an elevated concentrati...ORIGINS OF DECAY IN LIVING DECIDUOUS TREES: THE ROLE OF MOISTURE CONTENT AND A RE‐APPRAISAL OF THE EXPANDED CONCEPT OF TREE DECAYFoliar Nutrient Dynamics and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Four Deciduous Tree Species in Relation to Site FertilityEFFECTS OF CO2 AND NO3− AVAILABILITY ON DECIDUOUS TREES: PHYTOCHEMISTRY AND INSECT PERFORMANCEBasal Hymenomycetes Belonging to the Sebacinaceae Are Ectomycorrhizal on Temperate Deciduous TreesEffect of Shade on Leaf Structure of Deciduous Tree Species