

英 ['sɒftbæk]
美 ['sɒftbæk]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    softback[ 'sɔftbæk, 'sɔ:- ]

    • n.a book with paper covers

      同义词:paperback bookpaper-back bookpaperbacksoftback booksoft-cover booksoft-cover



    Hatcher, A.Algebraic topology (Cambridge University Press, 2002), 556 pp., 0 521 79540 0 (softback), £20.95, 0 521 79160 X (hardbac...
    J.A.LucasPlant pathology and plant pathogens3rd edn.1998Blackwell Science LtdOxford, UKPp. xii + 274, num. Illus. (Softback). ISBN 0...
    Strategy and structure of Japanese enterprises : Toyohiro Kono, Macmillan Press (1984), 352 pp. £25 (hardback), £8.95 (softback)
    Shaw AJ, Goffinet B, eds. 2000. Bryophyte biology. 476 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. £22.95 (softback).
    An introduction to programming in LISP : H Wertz John Wiley, Chichester, UK (1988) 259 pp £13.95 softback
    Pathobiologie oraler strukturen : H. H. Schroeder. Pp. 266. 1991. Basle, S. Karger AG. Softback, £20.00
    The rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates : Authors: George Paxinos & Charles Watson Academic Press Australia, 1982 Softback, 154 pag...
    Nuclear Power in Germany - History and Future Prospects
    Uber Die Entwicklung Des Dunndarms Der Ratte
    Essays; Scientific, Political, &; Speculative, Vol. I