《solar corona》怎以读
英 [ˈsəulə kəˈrəʊnə]
美 [ˈsolɚ kəˈronə]
《solar corona》是什么意思
学习《solar corona》怎么用
- The corona gains and loses energy continuously.
日冕总是不断地获得能量和损失能量。 - Most photographs don't adequately portray the magnificence of the Sun's corona.
A Guide to the Solar CoronaPHYSICS OF THE SOLAR CORONA.Alfvén Waves in the Solar CoronaPhysics of the Solar Corona. An IntroductionDynamics of the quiescent solar coronaSuprathermal Particle Generation in the Solar Corona.Magnetic fields and the structure of the solar coronaMagnetic neutral sheets in evolving fields. II. Formation of the solar coronaMagnetic Neutral Sheets in Evolving Fields - Part Two - Formation of the Solar CoronaErratum: "Magnetic fields and the structure of the solar corona. II: Observations of the 12 November 1966 solar corona". [Solar Phys...