学习《somesthetic association area》怎么用
Studies on organization of a somesthetic association area, including a single unit analysis.Ventrolateral and dorsomedial somatosensory association cortex damage produces distinct somesthetic syndromes in humansCORTICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING IN THE VISUAL SYSTEM AND IN THE PARIETAL ASSOCIATION AREASomesthetic hallucinations and motility in schizophrenia: neurophysiological views and information flow model.Evoked single cortical unit activity in the somatic sensory areas.Integrative Properties of Parastriate NeuronsFunctions of Corticocortical Neurons of Somatosensory, Motor, and Parietal CortexSomatosensory Evoked Potentials in Above-Knee Amputees with Phantom and Stump PainCortical and subcortical afferent connections of a posterior division of feline area 7 (area 7p).Organization of cortical and subcortical projections to area 6m of the cat