学习《something is anticipated》怎么用
3 Reasons LG's New Curved G Flex 2 Smartphone Is Something SpecialAt last, something is happening in LagosRevisited Brideshead Is No Match for TV Ancestor ; Much-Anticipated New Interpretation of Evelyn Waugh's Classic Has Its Premiere in...Is a lack of disgust something to fear? A functional magnetic resonance imaging facial emotion recognition study in euthymic bipolar..."This fundo stuff is really something new": Fundamentalism and Hybridity in The Moor's Last Sigh"There is a Feeling that the Regime Owes Something to the People"The Potential of the End(ing): Anticipated Nostalgia in To the Dogs by Lone Twin"It feels like something difficult is coming back to haunt me": An exploration of 'meltdowns' associated with autistic spectrum diso...Is interdisciplinary research a mashup?First Person: Keep It Something Special (K.I.S.S.)