果汁冰糕( sorbet的名词复数 );
- Sorbets may refer to the following places in France:
In vitro and in vivo evidence for the role of elastase shedding of CD163 in human atherothrombosisMétabolisme anaérobie, cryoconcentration et sorbets d'abricots = Anaerobie metabolism, freeze concentration and apricot sorbetsApparatus for the preparation of ice cream, milkshakes, sorbets, frozen desserts, and the like, in each case from a pumpable startin...Renin-angiotensin system antagonists and clinical outcomes in stable coronary artery disease without heart failure.Functional properties of precooked taro flour in sorbets.Dictionnaire méthodique de l'architecture grecque et romaine. Tome III. Espaces architecturaux, bâtiments et ensemblesPrévention secondaire chez le coronarienPulse Pressure and Risk for Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Atherothrombosis: From the REACH RegistryInvasive explorations in children younger than 3 years.Comparison of hospital mortality during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in the era of reperfusion therapy in women versus...