



  • n.

    相信( belief的名词复数 );信任;信念;信仰

  • v.

    相信( believe的第三人称单数 );认为;以为;对…信以为真

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 相信 consider to be true, honest, or real
    2. vt. & vi. 认为,想 hold as an opinion; think; suppose
    3. vi. 信仰 have a firm religious faith



    • n.
      • any cognitive content held as true
      • a vague idea in which some confidence is placed

        "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"




    用作动词 (v.)
    • believe a doctrine相信某种主义〔教义〕
    • believe one's ear相信自己的耳朵
    • believe one's eye相信自己的眼睛
    • believe rumour(s)听信谣言
    • believe sb's good fortune相信某人会走好运
    • believe sb's statement相信某人陈述的意见
    • believe the story相信故事
    • always believe始终相信
    • hardly believe几乎不相信
    • quite believe很相信
    • scarcely believe几乎不相信
    • believe absolutely绝对相信
    • believe ardently坚信
    • believe blindly盲目相信
    • believe candidly坦诚地相信
    • believe commonly普遍相信
    • believe confidently确信
    • believe conscientiously诚心诚意地信仰
    • believe currently普遍相信
    • believe dispassionately不带偏见地相信
    • believe dogmatically坚持相信
    • believe erroneously错误地相信
    • believe firmly坚信
    • believe frankly坦诚地相信
    • believe fully充分相信
    • believe fundamentally基本上相信
    • believe generally普遍相信
    • believe illogically不合逻辑地相信
    • believe infallibly绝对可靠地相信
    • believe ingenuously天真地相信
    • believe instinctively凭直觉相信
    • believe irrationally荒谬地相信
    • believe obstinately固执地认为
    • believe passionately完全坚信
    • believe persistently坚信
    • believe profoundly深信
    • believe really的确相信
    • believe reasonably明智地相信
    • believe religiously彻底相信
    • believe seriously坚信
    • believe sincerely真诚地相信
    • believe staunchly坚信
    • believe strongly坚信
    • believe superstitiously迷信地认为
    • believe thoroughly深信
    • believe uncompromisingly坚信
    • believe universally普遍相信
    • believe unquestioningly确信
    • believe unshakably坚定不移地相信
    • believe unswervingly毫不动摇
    • believe beyond all doubt毫不怀疑地相信
    • believe in a doctrine信仰某种教义
    • believe in a person相信某人
    • believe in a religion信仰宗教
    • believe in a system主张一种制度
    • believe in a theory信仰一种学说
    • believe in an adviser信任顾问
    • believe in boarding schools认为寄宿学校好
    • believe in Buddhism信仰佛教
    • believe in Christianity信奉基督教
    • believe in equality of opportunity主张机会均等
    • believe in freedom主张自由
    • believe in God信奉上帝
    • believe in miracles相信奇迹会发生
    • believe in penalties for...主张对…罚款
    • believe in sb's ability相信某人的能力
    • believe in sb's honesty相信某人诚实
    • believe in sb's innocence相信某人是清白的
    • believe in taxing sb主张对某人征税
    • believe in the law of...相信…的规律
    • believe in the theory相信这个理论
    • believe in Western medicine相信西医
    • believe of认为某事是某人所为


    belief in相信;对…的信仰

    religious belief宗教信仰

    firm belief坚定的信念

    in the belief(引起状语)相信

    beyond belief难以置信

    belief system信念系统

    moral belief道德信念

    false belief错误信念

    have belief in对…有信心



    1. We believe in his ability.
    2. Some people believe in God and others don't.
      有人相信上帝; 有人则不相信。
    3. Some people believe poverty engenders crime.
    4. They believe it is essential to defy convention.


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