All-Weather Landing System 全天候着陆系统;
Awls for sizing bone canalsImprovement in awlsImprovement in awlsBONE "AWLS"AND UTILIZED ANTLER TINES FROM ARNOLD RESEARCH CAVE, 23CY64, MISSOURISteel Awls for Stone Age Plainswomen: Rock Art, Religion, and the Hide Trade on the Northern PlainsSmall-Diameter Awls Improve Articular Cartilage Repair After Microfracture Treatment in a Translational Animal Model.Many awls in our argument. Bone tool manufacture and use from the Chatelperronian and Aurignacian layers of the Grotte du Renne at A..."For a few awls more". Bone tools in northeastern Iberia Neolithic burials (4th-5th millenniacalBC). A morpho-technical and function...Reduction of fat embolic risks in total hip arthroplasty using cannulated awls and rasps for the preparation of the femoral canalInquiry into the Electronic Structure——A New Theory on the Electronic-Electromagnetic Field Wave Electromagnetic Twi-awls Spiral S...